Raffles of the 90s: Historic tickets from Luxembourg and local events
Low estimate
45 €
High estimate
65 €
Sold for
45 €
TOMBOLA. Reunion of tickets from the 90s.
1) Kannerfuesbal FC Tricolore Gaasperech, entry with tombola, 1993
2) Spuerverein "De leschte Frang" Lëntgen Fuesbâl, 1993
3) "Specialites" chain of Luxembourg butchers, 1992
4) Tombola for the 52nd Tour de Luxembourg, 1992
Imprimerie Centrale
5) F.C. Penitencier Luxembourg Schlesselbal, 1990
6) Schlesselbal vum F.C. Penitencier Luxembourg, 1993
7) Tombola organized by the Italian Catholic Mission, 1993 (7 tickets)
Imprimerie de Hollerich
8) Grande Tombola de la Dizaine commerciale de Bonnevoie-Howald, 1990 (4 tickets)
Automatically translated by DeepL. The original version is the only legally valid version. To see the original version, switch to the French language.